
Domain Name Proxy Agreement

You may think that your domain name has no value. Remember, domain name hijacking has increased exponentially over the years. Domain names are now stolen, not only because of their value, but also to facilitate all types of illegal fraud in the world, including spam and fraud, and to transmit malware, destructive robots and more. The advantage of this agreement is that the Whois directory publishes the name, postal address and telephone number of the domains according to proxy instead of their name, postal address, email and telephone number. This will protect you from spammers, scammers and other intruders. Click here to see what the Whois directory looks like with and without private domain registration: You can use domain services by agent with a domain name associated with a website that shows adult content. Keep in mind that the adult content you post must comply with existing legal guidelines. Your data protection service expires when the domain name expires. You ensure and ensure that you provide ProPro and your service providers with accurate, complete and up-to-date information. You also ensure, guarantee and understand that your use of ProPro services is in good faith and that you do not know of any domain names, content or problems that are illegal or offensive related to such use. They also ensure and guarantee that there are no such issues that could conflict with the legal rights of third parties or their respective intellectual property rights, personality rights or data protection or trade names. You also ensure and guarantee that your registered domain (s) is not used in illegal activities in accordance with Section 5 and does not violate any of the terms of use or requirements of your service provider, including the terms of your registrar. In the run-up to the 2012 U.S.

presidential election, many domain names with derogatory expressions of Republicans and Democrats have been registered by proxy domains. [5] This contract represents the entire agreement and agreement between you and your service providers. In the event that a provision of this agreement is declared illegal, unenforceable or non-enforceable or annulled by a competent court, this agreement will remain fully in force without this particular provision. Although we become the filer of your registration domain on your behalf, you still retain the full benefits of domain registration. Thus, only you can: This agreement is between ProPro and the registrar or company that offers you ProPro services (“Your Registrar”) (together the “service providers”), and you, your heirs, administrators, agents, successors, transfer recipients and contractors (“you” or “your”) and will take effect from the date printed above this page. To avoid confusion, the term “service providers” includes DreamHost, LLC. By using ProPro services, you accept not only all the conditions listed here, but also all the terms published by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (“ICANN”), as well as all the terms and conditions related to your domain registration or account with your registrar who uses ProPro`s services.