
Riyadh Arab Agreement For Judicial Cooperation Signatories

Each party undertakes to extradite persons identified on its territory who have been charged by the competent authority or convicted by a judicial authority of other contracting parties, subject to the rules and conditions set out in this section. Where there is a correct written agreement under which the parties have been removed from the jurisdiction of arbitrators in the settlement of a particular dispute or other disputes between the two parties regarding a specific legal relationship, a certified copy of that agreement must be provided. (b) the contracting party who extradited him approves these proceedings, provided that a new application, accompanied by the documents listed in Article 42 of this agreement and a minutes containing the statements of the extradited person regarding the extension of the extradition, which indicates that he had the opportunity to submit his defence to the competent authorities of the contracting parties who request it. , are established. There are two important international agreements on enforcement and service in the region to which Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have adhered: the Riyadh and Justice Agreement (“Riyad Convention”) of 1996 and the 1996 Gulf Cooperation Council Convention on the Implementation of Judgments, Delegations and Judicial Communications (the GCC Convention). The Riyadh and GCC agreements cover many of the same themes, such as the recognition and enforcement of civil judgments, mutual legal assistance by national courts in support of foreign proceedings, and the meaning of legal documents, including judicial proceedings. The party who is invited to implement such a mutual legal aid commission is required to do so in accordance with the provisions of this agreement and will not refuse to make such requests, except in the following cases: In Qatar, separate arbitration laws apply for arbitration proceedings based at the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC). The United Arab Emirates applies separate arbitration laws for arbitration proceedings established at the Dubai International Financial Centre (IDFC) or the Abu Dhabi World Market (ADGM). These free zones each have their own independent English-speaking courts, with judicial bodies of prestigious commercial and civil law judges.

They therefore offer an attractive choice of seats in the region, due to the application of modern arbitration laws and the possibility of having used, if necessary, free zone courts. The enforcement decisions of a contracting party in the territory from which they were issued are implemented by the other contracting parties in accordance with the procedures followed for judicial judgments, where these procedures are governed by these procedures, provided that their application is not contrary to the provisions of the Islamic Shari`a or the Constitution. , the public order or the rules of conduct of the contractor who are required to implement these letters. The authority requesting the recognition and execution of a letter documented by the other contracting party hands over an official copy bearing the seal of the duly authenticated officer or service, or a certificate issued by it, indicating that the brief has the strength of an executive document. In this case, Article 34, paragraph 3, of this agreement applies. This Agreement is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by the signatories and the documents of ratification, acceptance or approval are submitted to the general secretariat of the League of Arab States no later than thirty days after the date of ratification, acceptance or approval, and the General Secretariat informs Member States and the General Secretariat of the Arab Organization for The Social Defence against crimes of each of these filings.